This is the story of Carla Miller Art, our projects and approach. – Page 4


Getting our comic strip syndicated, Part 1

Getting our comic strip syndicated, Part 1

~This is part 1 in a series. Part 2 starts here

Sometimes I think back to when my husband, Henry, and I were doing our syndicated comic strip, between 2005 - 2014, and to be honest, I'm grateful the daily grind is over. It was A LOT of work. Coming up with ideas for six days' worth of material, plus a Sunday strip that had to be bigger and in color. Maybe we could've handled it better if we hadn't had to do other work on the side for income. The...

I'm working on a fun horse show calendar for some serious horse lovers.

I've learned a lot! 

For example, that at shows, the tack must be perfect, the horse must look and act great, but, for whatever reason, the most important thing is the hats!

My art process - start to finish for the Tennis Girl T-shirt art.

Hope you guys find this interesting!  Any questions, go ahead and put them in comments.  




Hi! I'm Carla with Carla Miller Art, and today I'm going to take you through my basic board process. I'm going to be doing an image for a tennis client. She wants an image of a woman serving a tennis ball. It's a pretty simple design but I almost always work the same way whether I'm doing something more complicated or something simple. What I always do is I start with this pen and...