This is the story of Carla Miller Art, our projects and approach. – Page 2


You know that feeling when you dive into the cold water on a hot summer day ...

You know that feeling when you dive into the cold water on a hot summer day ...

Before I start any new project, I think about the emotion of the moment. What am I feeling? What do I want the viewer to feel? Here I talk about the making of one of our most popular designs, "Dive Girl".

Big Cats VS Domestic Cats - How to Draw the Differences

Big Cats VS Domestic Cats - How to Draw the Differences

As I was working on a new project drawing big cats (cougars, lions, etc.) I was really curious to understand the differences in features between these guys and their small cousins, like my house cats. Here in this video I explore the differences and similarities.

Getting our Comic Strip Syndicated, Part 3

~This is part 3 in a series. Click here for part 1 and part 2.

On a Claire Day logo

So far what we knew about our main character, Claire, was that she was a single 20-something, unsure of what she wanted to do with her life, and really clueless about adulthood.

This might make for a few funny strips, but we still didn't feel Claire had the depth of that of a...

Carla shows how to draw a French Bulldog

Carla shows how to draw a French Bulldog

Before I start any new illustration project, I always do realistic studies beforehand so that I know what I'm drawing. Once I do that, I can get looser and do a more cartoony style. In this video of sketching a French Bulldog I talk about what I discover.

From my On a Claire Day comic strip a few years ago - Thanksgiving edition!

On a Claire Day Thanksgiving Comic Strip