This is the story of Carla Miller Art, our projects and approach. – Page 2


Getting our Comic Strip Syndicated, Part 3

~This is part 3 in a series. Click here for part 1 and part 2.

On a Claire Day logo

So far what we knew about our main character, Claire, was that she was a single 20-something, unsure of what she wanted to do with her life, and really clueless about adulthood.

This might make for a few funny strips, but we still didn't feel Claire had the depth of that of a...

Carla shows how to draw a French Bulldog

Carla shows how to draw a French Bulldog

Before I start any new illustration project, I always do realistic studies beforehand so that I know what I'm drawing. Once I do that, I can get looser and do a more cartoony style. In this video of sketching a French Bulldog I talk about what I discover.

From my On a Claire Day comic strip a few years ago - Thanksgiving edition!

On a Claire Day Thanksgiving Comic Strip

Assignment: Horse Calendar, Part 2

Assignment: Horse Calendar, Part 2

~This is part 2 in a series. Click here to go to part 1.~

One of my favorite cartoons to work on for the calendar was called “Horse Show or Bust”. The joke is about people who think they can handle the task of preparing and getting to a horse show without the need for a groom.

What's a groom?

20th painting of horse and groom

What I imagined a horse groom looks like

A groom is someone who manages a barn's...

Getting our Comic Strip Syndicated, Part 2

Getting our Comic Strip Syndicated, Part 2

~This is part 2 in a series. Part 1 begins here

It was Henry's idea that I try doing a comic strip. “Really?" It hadn't even occurred to me. Comic strips, besides Peanuts, had never really appealed to me because there were so few that I could relate to. They were either about family life, or mischievous little boys, or old people.

So, I decided to start making cartoons of a character that I could relate to – a 20-something...